You're welcome.
It's not pretty, people!! |
So, here I am. A PT who writes. Maybe not very well, maybe not very often, but I do write. Sometimes I write very poor attempts at fiction, which I promise (maybe) will never be on this blog site?! Historically, I've journaled (my husband can attest to the box filled with my life's collection of journals). Now, I hope to write regarding my own little thoughts on the state of the world.
How precious and luxurious to have my own space. This luxurious space means so many things. It means I have time to write, it means I'm in some sort of safe environment, that I have access to a computer, health to be able to breathe and health to move my fingers and be functional. I'm so grateful for the freedom of my own life to be able to write on this blog.
Me and my bestie, Meegan. Yes, I have a crazy tooth, and I'm cool with it people!! |
While at the March on Washington this January (photo to your left) I started using twitter as a way to stay in touch with 2 of the aspects of life I'm interested in.
Physical Therapy
I also love dogs!!
Now that, people, is shear beauty, unlike its owners. |
As I like to say, an Aussie for an Aussie.
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